A Personal Finance Blog For The Hungry






Let’s face it—there’s tons of financial advice out there, but as we know not all advice is good advice. 🤔

I take everything I’ve learned from the good advice and present it to you in intelligible information packed blog posts.

They are equally as valuable as they are entertaining as I can’t help but sprinkle within them my own bits of humor.

At Prosper Pauper, the wheat has already been separated from the chaff. My blog posts are the end result of the process—your daily bread fresh out of the oven! 👍

-Peter David


A Cautionary Financial Tale

If you had asked me to describe myself fifteen years ago, I would have told you that I was a newly minted college grad with soaring ambitions.

Finishing school was a huge weight off my shoulders; so much so that alighting from the commencement stage felt like prancing down the lunar surface at .16 Gs…


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Let’s face it—there’s tons of financial advice out there, but as we know not all advice is good advice. 🤔

I take everything I’ve learned from the good advice and present it to you in intelligible information packed blog posts.

They are equally as valuable as they are entertaining as I can’t help but sprinkle within them my own bits of humor.

At Prosper Pauper, the wheat has already been separated from the chaff. My blog posts are the end result of the process—your daily bread fresh out of the oven! 👍

-Peter David


They all share this in common:

There are several instances in life—typically not considered games per se—where these traits apply.

The accumulation of wealth is one of them. 

Can “gamifying” parts of your life work to your benefit?

Peter David thinks so.


Concrete vs. Abstract Games

Concrete games are the ones we’re all accustomed to playing (e.g., poker, chess, Scrabble, Monopoly, etc.)

These games that we’ve all played as children aren’t that different from the games we unwittingly play as adults.

Sure, we may not play as many games as we used to, but the games we do play are not as evident or clearly defined as such.

These are what I call abstract games...


Never stand begging for that which you have the power to earn. 

How many millionaires do you know have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case. 

Money speaks only one language—if you save me today, I’ll save you tomorrow. 

Never stand begging for that which you have the power to receive. 

Never stand begging for that which you have the power to earn.
Money speaks only one language – if you save me today I’ll save you tomorrow. Master the discipline of saving money.
How many millionaires do you know have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case. Learn to use money to make money.
Robert G. Allen

Being genuinely happy means more than just your net worth. Discover true meaning in your life while enjoying the ride.






One who adopts this mindset has the courage to face their fears and the determination to take on financial obstacles with a confident can-do attitude. There is no room for making excuses and always playing the victim.

Those who have mastered this philosophy have learned to survive and thrive regardless of the cards life has dealt them. They look to others who have succeeded not with envy, but with admiration, curiosity, and a desire to learn from them. They know that if others can do it, they certainly can too.

Those who harbor the winning mentality are:

• Patient

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

• Aspiring

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.

Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau
• Inquisitive

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.

Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
• Disciplined

Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it's a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

Julie Andrews
Julie Andrews

You can remember these qualities by the word PAID.

By adopting the right attitude and cultivating these crucial traits, one can and will achieve financial success.


Those afflicted by this state of mind live in perpetual fear and self-doubt. They shamelessly brandish the banner of victimhood as they blame their misfortunes on the misdeeds of others. The bludgeon of self-doubt has battered them into a lifeless pulp, rendering them utterly ineffectual in their pursuit of prosperity.

Those stuck in this mindset are typically envious of everyone that is perceived to be “doing better” than them. They have an excuse lined-up for all the times they sidelined the chance to improve their lot in life. Time marches on as opportunities slip right through their fingers.

Those who are trapped in this mentality all share these traits in common:

• Negativity
• Self-doubt
• Blames Others
• Unwilling to Learn
• Lazy
• Zero Ambition

An eagle sat on a lofty rock, watching the movements of a Hare, whom he sought to make his prey. An archer, who saw him from a place of concealment, took an accurate aim, and wounded him mortally. The Eagle gave one look at the arrow that had entered his heart, and saw in that single glance that its feathers had been furnished by himself. "It is a double grief to me," he exclaimed, "that I should perish by an arrow feathered from my own wings."


This short tale teaches us that it is the misfortunes arising from our own faults that are the most difficult to bear. It takes courage to recognize and change the harmful qualities which are detrimental to our success.